Sports acupuncture addresses injuries and disorders common among athletes. Acupuncture is used on motor and trigger points to enable a tight or painful muscle to relax by resetting the muscle physiology. It is extremely effective for acute pain and injury and/or chronic muscle tightness. In addition to acupuncture, fire cupping, TENS (electrical) stimulation, gua sha and infrared therapy are used. Sports acupuncture can also treat joint problems as well as strengthen weak muscles and reestablish symmetry in muscular structures.
Vail Physical Therapy
at the Grand Hyatt
1295 Westhaven Dr.
Vail, CO 81657
Refresh Massage Studio
At Grand Timber Lodge
75 Snowflake Dr.
Breckenridge, CO 80424
Lotus Integrative Medicine
2222 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 105
Santa Monica, CA 90404