Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy does not simply suppress or mask pain, but rather prompts the body to treat the cause of the pain via self healing mechanisms. When the natural therapeutic bio injectables are introduced into the affected area or corresponding acupuncture point, the body easily absorbs the substance and answers with a quick immune response. By applying the biotherapeutics on acupuncture points, a highly synergistic effect is being created, which enhances the power of both the acupuncture point and the biotherapeutic medicine. Leaving a deposit of medicine at the injection site will activate and stimulate the acupuncture point for a longer period of time. Thus, Acupoint Injection Therapy can help speed up the healing process and restore health.
Acupoint Injection Therapy is beneficial for acute sprains and strains, and is ideal for chronic conditions that have failed to respond to conventional treatment methods. In addition, AIT is used to boost the metabolism, increase energy levels, support weight loss, facial rejuvenation and much more.
Vail Physical Therapy
at the Grand Hyatt
1295 Westhaven Dr.
Vail, CO 81657
Refresh Massage Studio
At Grand Timber Lodge
75 Snowflake Dr.
Breckenridge, CO 80424
Lotus Integrative Medicine
2222 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 105
Santa Monica, CA 90404